Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A fellow Northfield mom and friend, Emily, recently posted something on her blog about her family's anniversary of moving to the town of cows, colleges and contentment (a.k.a. Northfield). I just got done reading the entry and feel like echoing her sentiments... I mean, Henry is napping, so what else is there to do, right? I'd rather blog than be domestic. That's what husbands are for.
When we told friends, family and work colleagues of our decision to move "south" the reaction was often words of excitement partnered with looks of horror. We also heard, "Northfield? Where is that?" and "How long of a commute is that going to be?" Of course, we knew we were moving out of the 'burbs. But we didn't really think that we were removing ourselves from the Twin Cities that much. After all, we were previously living in Chaska, which wasn't a suburb until the recent past.
For the first few months living here, we drove to our normal destinations in the 'burbs. Clearly, this was our way of not assimilating to small town life. As the weeks and then months passed, we found ourselves preferring our local boutiques over mega malls, Greek pizza over chain restaurant steaks, and our favorite...the local co-op over the traditional grocery store....
It's official. We've converted. "Downtown" now refers to Division Street rather than Nicollet Mall.
Subsequently, we've adopted a simpler lifestyle: Our interest in food and cooking has grown; without a doubt, this has been fueled by our purchase of a farm share this summer. We love getting out and enjoying our natural surroundings. We walk to most of our destinations. Choose to "be local. buy local" (for the most part). And a favorite past time is us just sitting on our front porch with a cup of coffee, wine or an extra dirty martini.
Eric and I often chuckle when we think about how our mindsets and lives have changed over the course of the past year... I've recently thrown the idea around that we should get some hens for our backyard. A year ago, we would have said it as a joke and laughed at the thought of us actually pulling such a thing off. But now we consider it with excitement...and laugh at the thought of us actually pulling such a thing off!
As Em mentioned, tonight's our first annual BBQ for the moms [and other family] members that get together each week for playgroup. The moms in this group have been a huge resource for me. Not only were these moms an instant focus group for me to poll on baby issues, but they also have made this [almost] first year of being a mom entertaining and less stressful. I feel blessed that these beautiful women and their adorable little ones were brought into my life. And I'm going to show my appreciation tonight for these lovely ladies by bringing a large vat of margaritas. Cheers. :)
Correction: Per Em's comment, I need to pay tribute to Amazon and free two-day shipping. This has made living "45 minutes south" even more bearable.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
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