Monday, November 29, 2010

Darn it

I was putzing around on the blog last night and managed to delete all of the comments people have left. Bummer. Sorry all those who have actively participated in the Thorkelson blog. Lesson learned.


The Doeden's graciously accepted my challenge on Sunday to be my comedic relief while Eric was away at work. Mr. Petite (Henry) fit perfectly in the dolly umbrella stroller so I placed him in it to see what he would do. Of course, he just chillaxed. After a few short seconds of him sitting there, Charli decided to push him around in the stroller. Adorable. Especially since I'm sure Henry is bigger than Charli. I failed to capture that on video. But lucky you... you get to see big girl Addi push Henry in the stroller. She learns that she is much stronger than she realizes. And I realize that I'm a horrible parent...(note the cackle in the background of video):

Saturday, November 27, 2010

& the times they are a changin'

My freshman year of college I wanted to use that song as my subject of a paper. But my professor said that anything by Bob Dylan would be too cliche and predictable... so I went with a Madonna song. Not sure that choice was any less predictable....


This post's title is an homage to our dear Henry. I think he changes by the day. No. By the minute. We tried one nap today and that kid exhausted me. Two naps are in his future tomorrow. Before dinner last week I was picking out a bottle of wine:  take bottle out 1/4 of the way to see what it is, slide it back into the rack. Henry watched this and has now decided to be a sommelier. He checks the vintage of each bottle and slowly puts it back. Sometimes he pulls the bottle a bit too far (must be the excitement of our steals from Haskell's wine sale) and drops it. We now have a few dents in our wood floor that weren't there just a short week ago. I should tell him to stop. Eric does. For some reason though I'm just baffled that he will mimic us in such an exact science. I need to keep this in mind at all times. In an effort to be "funny mommy" I bounce or tap his toys on my head. It usually gets some giggles from him. But now he's started to hit his head with items in the same manner. Note to self: start doing long division in front of Henry; maybe he'll have it perfected before kindergarten.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Song

A bit late, but here we all are singing "happy birthday" to Hank:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Enunciation 101

Does "dog" have one syllable or two?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween at the Millers'

Joe Cool arrived incognito. And Marie (doll in background) also got dressed up. 

Henry wasn't so sure about the mask. Yoda and Owl Girl protected him.

Mario and Luigi stomping bricks.

The group before heading out. 

Couldn't resist adding this photo -- classic Ryan with his donkey teeth.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Family Portraits

This past Friday, our friend and photographer Donya brought us out to Hot Sam's Antiques to take our first official family photo. We had a lot of fun and I'd recommend her to anyone looking to capture a moment of their lives: