Another fairly eventful week in the Thorkelson household. Not only did Henry grow out of all of his 0-3 month clothes, but we also set up the Christmas tree. Both are clearly very big events. ;) But really...the last week was fun-filled with....
...a visit from Lacey and Colin. Brunch, a walk, and great conversation. We miss you guys! (By the way, Walter would not leave Colin alone and was quite sad when they left).

...Nana and Grandpa T brought us some yummy Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch one day. Henry wasn't cooperating with the camera and thought it would be best if he kept his eyes only if he thought that during nap time...
...Northfield's Winter Walk. Oh man, it was coooold outside. We had to get Henry all bundled up for the occasion. He wasn't too fond of the million layers his over-protective mom put him in under the snowsuit (note his stressed out face below). He looks kind of like that kid from the Christmas Story, doesn't he? Anyway, the Winter Walk was great. They had the street lined with candles, Rudolph and Frosty running around, carolers, and the shops were packed full of people. This definitely is going to be a Thorkelson family tradition for years to come. One of my favorite parts of the evening though was when a random woman saw we had an infant and she (a) advised us on every thing we can do to soothe him and (b) proceeded to try and sell herself as our nanny. Um, no thanks. :)
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