Dogs. That's right. Dogs. It's a love-hate relationship with Walter and Ardy these days. Some days we love them. Some days we hate them. I never thought I'd say those words about the beings that we called our babies before Henry was born. Scratch that. I never thought I would say those words about Ardy. Walter has always had a dubious place in our hearts. For the most part, they are well-mannered dogs. Ardy has his barking issue. Walter has his "I get into everything issue"...he has been the sole reason we have started to baby-proof the house already. He is on a determined mission to show us everything that Henry could potentially get into once he becomes a terror on hardwood floors. This includes depicting the dangers of garbage, recycling, bumbo seats, diapers, and books. Oh, Walter sure does think those diapers are a threat. When it comes down to it though, we think these cries for attention are because they really just want to be our babies again....
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