In other baby news, Henry is so close to rolling over from his back to tummy (he's perfected the tummy to back already). I think he is actually getting frustrated sitting still and wants to be mobile. That's a good thing! He loves being on his tummy and raking in all of his toys.
Of course, everything is instantly brought to his mouth for identification. I was at the flower shop today and he even tried taking a plant and putting it into his mouth. Thankfully the shop attendant was paying attention and stopped him (I was apparently off in la-la land).
We're planning on starting solids next weekend. Yippee! Henry is likely to have/develop allergies since they (a) run in the family and (b) he has eczema so we've been waiting til Henry gets closer to the 6 mo mark to start. I'm excited to see what he does the first time we feed him.
We're off to Bubba's 65th birthday bash this afternoon where Ya Ya will be making Indian food. Yum!
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