Thursday, October 28, 2010

Birthday Shenanigans

Henry after eating his gluten free, dairy free, and egg free birthday cupcake (chocolate with rice cream frosting...surprisingly delicious).

We also celebrated his actual birthday by participating in modern medicine: vaccinations

Ya Ya, Henry, John, and Ava before the big birthday party.

Singing "Happy Birthday" at his party

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Marv

Cousin Marvin testing out his new birthday present...

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Two friends of mine used the words "numb" and "tragic" in their FB status updates this afternoon. One said, "RIP." A college acquaintance of ours committed suicide. I struggle reading the news online about how the event unfolded. I feel sad. Empty. Wonder why. I hurt for her family. Her friends. She was always smiling. Laughing. What could have prevented this. If anything.

Friday, October 15, 2010

30 & 1...Big Milestones

While Eric is mourning his 20s, Henry is relishing in his newfound toddlerhood (not technically though, still a crawler). It's fair to say that I'm equally sad as am happy about Hank turning one. *sigh* I think those sweet, precious baby moments are what keep Eric and me vacillating between two or three kids. Falling asleep on your chest. Curling under your neck. Tiny feet, which mean even tinier toes. The little grunts as he ate. That soft, baby smell.

I'll never forget our first night with Henry at home. I had just nursed him and put him to sleep in his crib. He started crying 30 minutes later. Eric and I looked at each other in bed with our eyes wide open, both of us not wanting to admit that we had no idea what to do. Logically, we grabbed The Baby Whisperer chart, stood over Henry's crib, and tried to decode his cries. Because babies have a manual like that. Or so we thought. And then there was the Boppy. I remember asking Eric to pull it out so that I could give it a whirl. I didn't know what to do with it. College-educated and I was intimidated by a c-shaped nursing pillow. Eric walked around the room modeling how he thought it should be done. That's when my sense of humor came back. Little did I know that he was right. Go figure. I couldn't give him too much credit at that point though because an hour before his modeling career took off he was telling me that the petroleum jelly we had brought home from the hospital was different than the Vaseline we bought at Target; the hospital had sent us home with what was called "vase-line."

I can't remember when it all turned around. But I know at some point, my hormones got back in balance and allowed me to finally stop crying. We didn't have to double-team diapers. And Eric became an amazing father (second to my mothering skills, of course).

I still feel like I'm taking it in

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Birthday Celebration: Day 1

We celebrated Eric's 30th last night at Fermentations with John and Jan (a.k.a. Grandpa T and Nana). Great food. Awesome company. Yum.

Champagne toast. Flights of wine. Morels picked fresh that day. Potatoes layered with gruyere. I wouldn't have expected this from a little place in Dundas. We'll definitely go back.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Give Daddy a Kiss

Henry continues to "register" all of the things we say throughout the day. We often kiss him over and over and over as we say, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" This kid does not lack any affection from his folks.

The unfortunate reality of our lives is that Eric is away from home about half of every week. This means we have a lot of calls via speaker phone so that Henry can hear his dad's voice (we would do Skype but Eric's oooold laptop doesn't have a webcam...and as of right now, I don't really want to have a one-way video chat). Anyway, the other night Henry was sitting on my lap. As the conversation came to a close I said, "Say goodbye to Daddy." Henry waved. Then I said, "Give Daddy a kiss." He made out with the phone. Aw.

Now kissing seems to be the "new thing".... We were over at our neighbor's last night for dinner and Henry kept trying to kiss their dog with a big open mouth. Hm.

Big weekend ahead as Eric turns 30 on Sunday. Dinner at Fermentations tonight with his parents and then "date night" tomorrow in Eden Prairie: Wildfire and "The Social Network". Sunday will be a hike through Big Woods and a gourmet dinner cooked by me. We use the term "gourmet" loosely in this house.