The unfortunate reality of our lives is that Eric is away from home about half of every week. This means we have a lot of calls via speaker phone so that Henry can hear his dad's voice (we would do Skype but Eric's oooold laptop doesn't have a webcam...and as of right now, I don't really want to have a one-way video chat). Anyway, the other night Henry was sitting on my lap. As the conversation came to a close I said, "Say goodbye to Daddy." Henry waved. Then I said, "Give Daddy a kiss." He made out with the phone. Aw.
Now kissing seems to be the "new thing".... We were over at our neighbor's last night for dinner and Henry kept trying to kiss their dog with a big open mouth. Hm.
Big weekend ahead as Eric turns 30 on Sunday. Dinner at Fermentations tonight with his parents and then "date night" tomorrow in Eden Prairie: Wildfire and "The Social Network". Sunday will be a hike through Big Woods and a gourmet dinner cooked by me. We use the term "gourmet" loosely in this house.
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