Anyway, we spent eight days with my former roommate and friend, Mirjam (MJ), who lives in The Hague. There really wasn't much planning involved. The whole trip came down to three e-mail conversations:
MJ to Ally: End of April work?
Ally to MJ: Perfect. See you then.
It had been six years since we last saw each other and only had sporadic e-mails with quick "catch ups" throughout this time. But we picked up right where we left if we didn't miss a step.... A good friend like that is truly a blessing that I often take for granted and hope not to moving forward.
The days often started off slowly: coffee, smoothies, light breakfast, soaking up the sun on her porch as we planned our day. At that point we would hop on our bikes and be out into the night. We did some sightseeing, but mainly ate, drank, played games, and soaked up life and all its goodness. The amazing weather we had while there helped with the latter. More specifically though: we skipped through tulips, drank white beer, became solemn in the Anne Frank house, ate our weight in cheese, wore orange on Queen's Day, and cycled the city like native Dutchies.
Some of our favorite times were just sitting at Bagels and Beans (they had the best ice coffee) talking about life. Mirjam did an awesome job answering all of our [probably silly] questions: What's it like to have a royal family? Why do we call The Netherlands "Holland"? So what exactly is going on with your so-called sinking country? The favorite question I got from her was, "Do you have a cleaning lady?" To which I responded, "Yes, I'm her." Her friends were often asking about our vacation and trying to grasp what life would be like in America with your average of two weeks' vacation.
And now we're back at home. Mirjam said it well when we were leaving: "Holiday is great. But it's even better when you have a home that you are excited to go back to." Couldn't have said it better myself.
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