Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Save Tiny's: Eat Hot Dogs

Almost a full year has passed since we moved to charming Northfield. I was telling my neighbor the other day that I used to consider this town an extension of the 'burbs...really, we aren't that far away, are we? Well, over the course of the year it has become apparent that we are, in fact, living outside of the Twin Cities area. I deducted this from many experiences throughout the year, but here are a few: our farmer's market isn't listed in the Star Tribune (I know, right?), Enterprise Rent-a-Car told us we weren't part of the metro (again, baffled when we found this out), and the closest shopping mall is 30 minutes away (Amazon is one of my closest friends). Okay, I digress....

My primary objective was to point out that although we have lived here for almost a year, there are a lot of things we have yet to experience in our new town (that exists sans many suburban "amenities"). We spent all of last summer finishing projects and prepping for the arrival of Henry (formerly known as Baby T) and all winter figuring out how to coexist with an infant. So here we are... settled in and ready to tread in unknown waters. First stop: Tiny's....

This has been the place that we have said, "We really need to go there" ever since we discovered its existence. I mean really... hot dogs?! If you know me, you know I love 'em. Apparently Tiny's used to be the general store back in the good ol' days. You can still purchase "fancy" tobacco products here. Ask Eric about his corn cob pipe.

Rumor has it that Tiny's may be closing. Say it ain't so!

Eric enjoying a frosty root beer. We forgot to take pictures of the dogs, but trust me. They did not disappoint.
Sign outside the shop... They weren't kidding. The floor shook during one of the blasts.
Post hot dog we went down by the river.

Eric giving Henry a life-lesson: "Be careful around the water!" I believe Henry was looking at me b/c he knows who really gives the life-lessons in the household. Oh wait...I mean...he was looking at me because I had the camera. ;)

And here's one of me to just document that I was out for the day as well.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Official Members...

...of Northfield's First United Church of Christ. :) Yay!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'm a bit behind in posting this, but Henry's 6 mo appointment went really well. Due to his allergic reaction to some basic foods, we have taken a step back with introducing new items for a month. Right now his diet solely consists of milk, avocados, prunes, and pears. I've taken my hand at making the food as well, which has been pretty fun. Henry isn't sitting up by himself yet, but our pediatrician is not concerned at all. According to him, this could take as long as 8 mos for babies to conquer. I guess I just hang out with over-achiever babies. I'm pretty sure most of them were sitting up by (or right around) 6 mos.

His stats were as follows: 28" long (90th percentile), 15 lbs (10th percentile) and head circ. was 45 cm (75th percentile). Needless to say, we'll be investing in some belts for our skinny minny.

In other news, Henry is rolling around and getting excited about CRAWLING. He can't get up on his knees yet but is a complete wiggle worm on the floor. I'm really excited for him to crawl, but I know I'll be eating those words once he does.

Also, we'll be joining Northfield's First United Church of Christ on Sunday. We shopped around quite a bit and are excited to call this church our "home".

We've been working on little projects around the house... testing paint colors for the kitchen, cleaning the basement, hanging ceiling fans, etc. Our big project for the summer is getting a fence for our backyard to define our property a bit more; with that, we'll hopefully do some much-needed landscaping.