Monday, November 29, 2010


The Doeden's graciously accepted my challenge on Sunday to be my comedic relief while Eric was away at work. Mr. Petite (Henry) fit perfectly in the dolly umbrella stroller so I placed him in it to see what he would do. Of course, he just chillaxed. After a few short seconds of him sitting there, Charli decided to push him around in the stroller. Adorable. Especially since I'm sure Henry is bigger than Charli. I failed to capture that on video. But lucky you... you get to see big girl Addi push Henry in the stroller. She learns that she is much stronger than she realizes. And I realize that I'm a horrible parent...(note the cackle in the background of video):

1 comment:

  1. Aww poor Henry - Looks like he took it like a champ though. And I also chuckled :)
